I was a fallen down
But I am fallen no
I’m 250,they call me
weak and old, but I have not yet begun.
I have an axe at my
With a human attached
Next more people come
and start struggling and yelling
Not to cut me down
After they are chained
to me
They make a lot of
Afterwards they leave
Alone in peace at
I sway along with the
winter wind until it comes to pass
I find I have some
leaves, relief from being bare
They are orange red
and brown, my I do look fair.
I realise this is
autumn but not for long for
My leaves are turning
green and many more I find on me
Then children come
and climb my branches
WHOOPS don’t fall
Next a faun comes
frolicking, jumping ‘round my trunk
Summer comes to an
end and spring comes like lightning
As people come to
They marvel at the
blossoms and bushes and the trees that are so young and rare
Also at the wildlife
they sit, watch, draw and stare
Then all my leaves
drop to the ground once again and I become naked and bare
The years fly by
The same events each
just new people, new
youngsters to help pass the time
Until I’m but a
A simple baby tree
I get no leaves
I have no fine trunk
Children walk right
past me as if I’m not even there
And no one comes to
But now I’m one of
the plants at which scientist like to stare
I’m gradually growing
smaller shrinking until I’m just a seed
I sleep in the soil
all day as the worms wriggle around me
Now another year has
past and I’m sitting on a tree
Photo by Angel |
Im just another seed
in the pod I’m surrounded by many other seeds
I have made many new
But still I keep on
shrinking becoming nothing more than a spirit that can float through the floor
Now I just float
around looking after others until I start another life
Lets hope it’s not